Training Multi-Domain Operations – An Introduction

May 1, 2024

The Army Chief of Staff re-emphasized Multi-Domain Transformation in Chief of Staff Paper #1, stating the Army must transform today to meet coming challenges from determined near-peer challengers. That means not only a return to full-spectrum operation but also increased speed of adoption and convergence of innovative technologies to maintain future decision dominance and overmatch required to win the next fight. Modern and developing technologies will also provide new challenges to maintain command and control and coordinate actions between US Forces and our allies, particularly within potential adversary’s anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) layer. He set 2035 as the Army Aimpoint for the Army to be fully modernized for Large Scale Combat Operations and 2028, less than four years away, as the Army’s Waypoint to complete initial assessments, assumptions, and adjustments of direction and investments. That assessment and those adjustments are already in progress. 

Over the next six weeks, TMST Consultants will discuss multiple aspects of the Army’s MDO transformations, and example impacts of current conflicts upon that transformation in four articles. A timeline and thumbnail of those articles follows. 

On or about 7 May, Casey Welch, US Army, Retired, will discuss the Human Domain of training modernization. As the nature of combat trends toward a machine-dominated battlespace, many assume that human investment in warfighting will decrease. However, that idea runs counter to the history of technological advancement in warfare. People will remain the most decisive element of MDO, and the US Army should invest as much in training and talent development as it does in the technology that aids in their success. 

John Graebener, US Army, Retired, will begin to discuss the training of formation on 21 May. The US Army’s transition to Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) in 2022 also requires a shift in how leaders train their formations now and into the future. In many cases, critical capabilities that enhance MDO are still under development. Leaders must account for these emerging capabilities while simultaneously preparing for conflict with the people and equipment currently on hand.  


Chris Blais, US Army, Retired, will discuss how the conflict in Ukraine provides valuable insights into MDO training on 04 June. Adaptable training systems that reflect changing battlefield realities are a necessity. Interoperability and coalition operations take time and require familiarity with a separate diverse set of requirements. Coalition participation should be considered in all Brigade and above training scenarios. Additionally, those training scenarios need to encompass a wide range of potential conflict types. These insights are crucial for developing training solutions that prepare military forces for dynamic and varied modern warfare environments. 

 A 10 June paper led by Carl Priechenfried, USMC, Retired, will focus on Multi-Domain Operations in the Pacific – MDO will affect the Pacific theater just as strongly as the other potential theaters, with unique aspects. Geographically, it is both the largest theater and the most climatically diverse theater. It also requires the Army to support sister services to a greater extent than other theaters.  

Training individuals, staff, and formations in MDO is both a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge has a historical precedent in AirLand battle transformation. However, the impact of technology's increased pace of change is greater; we are asking people to train to Theory, at multiple echelons, simultaneously, while re-absorbing past lessons learned but not fully exercised in recent training or conflict. Recurring, focused, and realistic training of individuals, staffs, and formations at multiple echelons, refreshed at the pace of change, is the Army’s challenge and responsibility for successful MDO operations. 

For more information on this or other topics, please contact TMST Consultant through your TMST account manager or visit our web page at TMST Consultants - Central Florida’s leading strategists in technology, modeling and simulation, and training. 

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